konečne juchúúúú......... nová 18G_testovacia sada AC-FXHD-Kit_18G
Pridal: administrator Pridané: 28.4.2017 04:45:00 Počet zobrazení: 1084
28 Apríl 2017
naša rodina HDMI2.0_18G testerov sa rozrástla, sada MURIDEO Fresco SixG/SixA_18G dostala menšieho súrodenca AC-FXHD-Kit_18G, svojou konštrukciou a priamym ovládaním je sada prioritne určená pre prácu u zákazníka a na stavbe, na čo sa myslelo už pri jej návrhu..., plne podporuje HDMI2.0 a/b, HDCP2.2 a staršie, HDR10, TMDS Clock 600MHz, dátový tok 18Gbps..., už počujem otázku "aký je rozdiel medzi sadou Murideo Fresco SixG/SixA_18G a sadou AC-FXHD-Kit_18G )??? to, že sada AC-FXHD-Kit_18G lepšie sedí v ruke je viditeľné už na pohľad ako aj menší 2" display... má klávesnicu pre priamy prístup k funkciám a nemá možnosť embedovať a deembedovať audio, čo mne osobne chýba... ale čo je najväčší rozdiel je nemožnosť riadiť tester s PC/NTB cez port RS232 alebo USB a zároveň chýba možnosť kalibrácie panelu, ..., cena jednoducho nepustí..., cena už je známa, je o 42% nižšia v porovnaní s testovacou sadou Murideo Fresco Six G/SixA_18G...testery budú dostupné od polovice júna... , na predobjednávky prijate do 06_06_2017 je zaujímavá zľava... upresníme na dopyt...info@medinco.eu... do predmetu dajte prosím predobjednávka AC-FXHD-Kit_18G... ešte jedna dôležitá informácia, AC-FXHD-Kit_18G sa predáva IBA ako sada... žiaľ...

Video and Audio HDMI2.0a/b Distribution Testing KIT
built with the custom and commercial integrator in mind.
Pre Order (from 05_05_2017 to 06_06_2017) Price – 2.495,00 €
(end user without VAT)
This 18Gbps Generator and Analyzer Testing Kit was built as the ideal testing unit for all custom and commercial integrators. The Fox & Hound Test Kit comes with an 18Gbps Generator and 18Gbps Analyzer. these tools allow you to confirm correct bandwidth, HDCP, resolution, timing, HDR metadata and many more options that could cause system hiccups if not treated correctly.
Sure, there are pricey test instruments available with a multitude of features, most of which the average integrator is not going to use. That is why we set out to develop a simple, affordable solution to troubleshoot system issues. The Fox & Hound: A/V Testing and Troubleshooting Kit is a product that can produce and analyze the newest and highest resolutions - 4K60 at 18Gbps. It's also affordable enough for every integrator to have on any install/service call!
Place the generator in place of your source, and set the analyzer in place of your sink. These units will then read the data being sent throughout the system. The Fox & Hound can run any type of signal through the unit and confirm that same signal is being passed through the product with no changes. This will diminish calls to support and replacement of products! Troubleshooting is a breeze—never worry if a cable or extender is bad, again! Not to mention, it's fast—have your answer to a potential problem in less than a minute.
Generator Features:
• HDMI 2.0(a/b)
• HDCP 2.2 compatible
• Video bandwidth - 18 Gbps
• TMDS Clock 600MHz,
• max. resolution UltraHD/4K*2160P*60Fps@24bit YCbCr 4:4:4
• HDR (high dynamic range) injector, and management
• Dolby Vision support
• Hot plug detect & HDCP lights
• HDCP select-able - 2.2, 1.4, none – confirms if the system will work or not
• EDID read functionality
• Audio confidence tests
• L/R audio input
• RS-232 or USB controllable
• UltraHD/4k 10, 12, 16 bit support
• 16 bit per pixel deep color depth available (48 bit)
• Optimized ergonomics – 2" color display
• Portable/battery operated
• Battery: 7.4V li-ion 2600mAh internal rechargeable battery
• DC 5V power
Analyzer features:
• HDMI 2.0(a/b)
HDCP 2.2 compatible
• Video bandwidth - 18 Gbps
• TMDS Clock 600MHz,
• max. resolution analysis UltraHD/4K*2160P*60Fps@24bit YCbCr 4:4:4
• HDR (high dynamic range) metadata infoframe reading and management
• Dolby Vision support
• Analyze HDR signals & metadata
• HDCP tester - 2.2, 1.4, none
• Advanced EDID analysis & tools - read, write, EDID
• Audio confidence tests, 2-channel & multichannel
• View up to 18Gbps Video content & format info anywhere
• Analyze any HDMI/DVI signals up to 18Gbps (UltraHD/4K*2160P*60Fps@24bit YCbCr 4:4:4)
• Test HDMI/DVI cables up to 18Gbps
• RS-232 or USB controllable
• UltraHD/4K 10, 12, 16 bit support
• 16 bit per pixel deep color depth available (48 bit)
• Optimized ergonomics – 2" color display
• Portable, battery operated
• Battery: 7.4V li-ion 2600mAh internal rechargeable battery
• DC 5V power
Strait Forward Warranty | No B.S.
Maybe you already know about AVProConnect's No Bullshit 10 Year Warranty. Well it also applies to the Fox & Hound. That means if there is a problem with the device, we will make it right. We will get you a new one immediately and a return label to send your old one in.
For this product we are offering something even bigger:
We know how integrators are. If your Fox & Hound breaks from something out of AVProConnects control (such as; being smashed by an 8ft rack falling over, dropped in toilet when analyzing that bathroom display, left in a snow pile overnight on accident, struck by lightning, or whatever) We will replace your unit for $999.00, for life.
Now more than likely, if something like that happens, your tool will still work. The Fox & Hound is a military grade testing tool, built for the in the field integrator, and we need them to be almost as tough as you are.
On Jeff Murrays (CEO of AVProConnect) last trip through our manufacturing plant he wanted to test the Fox & Hound with all of his weight, and mind you he's 6'2".
durability of the products coming off the line. Left is a picture of him stepping on a Generator from the
Fox & Hound with all of his weight, and mind you he's 6'2".
AVProConnect CEO Jeff Murray Testing the Strength of the Fox & Hound by stepping on it.